Definition: The electronic Mining Cadastre – System eMC+ is a management system, which assists the administration of Mineral Titles in a responsible, efficient and transparent manner, throughout the life cycle of the Titles; Online (real time).

The Nigeria Mining Cadastre Office has fully implemented the new electronic Mining Cadastre – System eMC+ and has conducted stakeholder sensitization workshop, for the sustainable adoption of the new system to further enhance economic growth and ease of doing business in the Nigerian Mining Sector.

Before you commence your application, quickly check the list of requirements to enable you complete the process. If you don’t have all requirements, you may start your application and save it until you fulfil all requirements and uploaded all documents before you can submit and commence processing of your application.

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Requirements for Application

Completed Application Forms.

Attestation of Non–Conviction of Criminal Offences.

Copies of Certificate of incorporation including Form CAC2 and CAC7 containing Particulars of Board of Directors, Memorandum and Articles of the Association for Corporate body. Certificate of Registration for Cooperative Society and/or copy of National I. D card/Drivers Licence for an individual.

Processing fee - EL: N500,000.00 for first 100CU, any additional CU - N50,000.00; QL: First 2CU - N600,000.00 any additional CU - N250,000.00; SSML: First 2CU - N300,000.00 any additional CU - N200,000.00; ML: N3,000,000.00 Payable to Nigeria Mining Cadastre Office through ‘’

Pre-feasibility Study for Leases only—QL & SSML (must be stamped and signed by COMEG Member).

Minimum Work Programme for EL (must be signed and stamped by COMEG member)

Evidence of Financial Capability with sufficient working capital by way of:<br /> i. Verifiable bank Statement of account.<br /> ii. Verifiable bank reference letter

Evidence of Technical Competence through:<br /> i. CV and Certificates of a Mining Engineer or Geoscientist, COMEG registration certificate compulsory for EL<br /> ii. Letter of employment and that of acceptance by the employee.<br /> iii. Three months pay slip

Consent Letter signed by landowners/occupiers, attached with sworn affidavit from a High Court.

Indication of Mineral (s) to quarry or mine

Site Plan for Leases only.

Current Tax Clearance